
Rolling machine

The automatic model CA520 can roll from 5 up to 20 kg of dough. The process is carried out in the most natural way by automatically rotating the dough after each passage thanks to a series of rollers, in order to not overheat it. The highest precision and smooth progression of the process are ensured […]

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Removable-bowl spiral mixer

La vasca estraibile e la sua rapida sostituzione, grazie al sistema automatico di discesa testa ed aggancio vasca, permette di ridurre al minimo i tempi morti aumentando ulteriormente la produttività. Il controllo della temperatura salvaguarda l’impasto dalle alte temperature sospendendo il ciclo di lavoro quando la temperatura è superiore al limite di sicurezza impostato. Il

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Automatic stamping machine

Once the pieces are placed in parallel rows on the front belt the machine can be started. The belt advances and places the pieces underneath the dies, which come down to give the dough the desired shape without compressing it. The pressing time can be adjusted with 2 timers (high position and bottom position). The dies

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Extra-large volumetric divider

A simple dividing system delicately divides the dough without compressing or overheating it, and enables high precision in loaf weighing. The loaf size can be set by means of a practical handwheel and values are shown on a dedicated display. Production rate can be controlled and adjusted, and ranges from 480 to 900 pcs/hr. Thanks

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Integrated rounder-moulder

The upper rounding part of the machine can be used either separately from or combined with the lower moulding part, by simply shifting a switch. The movable bell eccentricity of the rounder can be adjusted, as well as the roller and moulding-table position, to ensure the highest precision for the whole process. The machine is

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